FFL Disclaimer

The purchase of firearms and accessories controlled by the National Firearms Act (“NFA”) requires approval by the ATF.  ATF regulations require that an NFA weapon be transferred to its new owner from a licensed FFL/SOT dealer in the person’s home state.  For this reason, within 48 hours of your purchase, you must provide us with the FFL/SOT number for your local dealer.  This information can be submitted at 

. When your item is ready for shipment, we submit a request for transfer to your local dealer through a Form 3. This Form 3 is submitted to the NFA branch of the ATF.  We cannot ship the NFA item to your dealer until this approved Form 3 is received.  The ATF reports that the processing time for Form 3’s is approximately 10 – 30 days. 

When your NFA item is received by your local dealer, the dealer must request approval from the ATF to transfer the item to you using a Form 4.  The processing times for Form 4’s varies.  The ATF current processing times can be found at https://www.atf.gov/resource-center/current-processing-times.  Questions about the Form 4 process should be directed to your local dealer.